Charity Bowling BAckdrop |
 Baloon balls and pins |
 Baloon balls and pins |
 Registration counter |
 Registration counter |
 Dancers for opening |
 Emcee |
 Dancing |
 Dancing |
 Opening speech |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir |
 Presentation of souvenir to movie stars |
 Presentation of souvenir to movie stars |
 Presentation of souvenir to movie stars |
 Presentation of souvenir to Miss HKG |
 VIPs and Miss HKG |
 Haywood, Vivien and movie star |
 VVIPs to kick off event |
 Movie star bowling |
 Movie star bowling |
 Movie star bowling |
 Malaysian bowling |
 Malaysian bowling |
 Malaysian bowling |
 Miss HKG bowling |
 Miss HKG bowling |
 Hong Kong bowling |
 Bank of China team |
 Belle Intl and Miss HKG |
 Belle Intl team |
 Charity team |
 Charity team |
 Charity team |
 Charity team |
 Charity team |
 PCCW team |
 Rocket Bowling Club |
 Shun Tak Holdings team |
 Charity Bowling crowd |
 Australia practising |
 Australia practising |
 Australia practising |
 Kuwait practising |
 Kuwait practising |
 Kuwait Team |
 Malaysian bowlers |
 Singapore practising |
 Singapore practising |
 Singapore officials |
 Singapore Boys Team |
 Singapore Girls Team |
 Team Singapore |
 Highest Contributor |
 Men 3rd Runner-up |
 Men 2nd Runner-up |
 Men 1st Runner-up |
 Men Champion |
 Women 3rd Runner-up |
 Women 2nd Runner-up |
 Women 1st Runner-up |
 Women Champion |
 High-game, High-series Champion |
 Charity Cup 3rd Runner-up |
 Charity Cup 2nd Runner-up |
 Charity Cup 1st Runner-up |
 Charity Cup Champion |
 Team Cup 3rd Runner-up |
 Team Cup 2nd Runner-up |
 Team Cup 1st Runner-up |
 Team Cup Champion |