2018 World Bowling Coaching Conference
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2018 WB Coaching Conference gets underway

20th November, Hong Kong: The inaugural two-day 2018 World Bowling Coaching Conference themed "Youth Development and Coaching" kicked off at the Hong Kong Sports Institute, New Territories showcasing presentations by international experts and professionals from HKSI.

The Conference, jointly organised by Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress and Hong Kong Sports Institute, an elite training centre for Hong Kong junior and senior athletes of the Elite Sports, focus on creating opportunities for participants to learn, discuss and reflect valuable information and skill to put into practice some of the key topics and key messages into their own coaching.

The two-day sessions embrace many areas of youth development including how to coach young athletes, education on Anti-Doping and a series of workshops on the second day with a tour of various facilities including a training and research bowling centre offered by Hong Kong Sports Institute.

VVIPs, organisers and international presenters

The conference kicked off with speeches from Ms. Vivien Lau, BBS, JP., Chairman of HKTBC, Chairman of HKSI Coaching Committee and Secretary General of World Bowling. Ms. Lau's speech was followed by speeches from Mr. Karl Kwok, MH., Vice-President of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China and Chairman of Major Sports Events Committee.

Dr. Trisha Leahy, BBS., Chief Executive of Hong Kong Sports Institute also spoke at the opening ceremony in extending her warm welcome to all partipants and expressing her gratitude to the international presenters and presenters from HKSI.

Mrs. Cherry Tse Ling Kit-Ching, JP., Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs, Home Affairs Bureau also spoke at the opening ceremony expressing sincere gratitude for HKTBC and HKSI in taking their initiatives in co-organising such an important coaching conference focusing on youth development in the field of tenpin bowling.

Mr. Kenneth Fok, Vice-President of SF&OC of Hong Kong China and member of Youth Developement Commission under HKSAR Government delivered his keynote and Presentation 1 entitled Youth Development and moderated by Mr. Ulf Sjoblom, Chairman of WB Youth Development Committee and 2nd Vice President of World Bowling.

Mrs. Piritta Maja of European Tenpin Bowling Federation delivered Presentation 2 also focusing on Youth Development followed by Mr. Rod Ross of PABCON, Head Coach of Team USA and Chair of WB Coaching Committee on Youth Coaching. Mr. Rober Andersson, member of WB Coaching Committee was their moderator.

After the lunch break, Dr. Gangyan Si, Senior Sport Psychologist, HKSI presented the topic entitled Sports Psychology for Youth focusing on Resilience Building for Junir Athlete. Dr. Henry Li, Sport Psychologist, HKSI gave his presentation of Mental Toughness Training via Mindfulness for Junir Athletes. Prof. Pak Kwong Chung, Professor of Department of Sport and Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University was their moderator.

After tea break, Mr. Hardaway Chan, Senior Scientific Conditioning Coach, HKSI presented Topic 3: Strength and Conditioning for Youth and Senior focusing on Movement Assessment and Corrective Exercise in Bowling.

The last presentation was by Mr. Patrick Fox, Scientific Conditioning Manager, HKSI on the topic of Needa Analysis in Bowling and Its Implication in Strength and Conditioning Training. Dr. Michael Tse, member of HKSI Board of Director and Former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, HKSI omderated the two presentations.

Day 1 of the conference concluded with a panel forum of five presenters. Day 2 of the conference will comprise of three presentations on Anti-Doping by Dr. Julian Chang, BBS, MH., Nonorary Medical Advisor of SF&OC of HK, China and World Bowling Medical Committee Chairman, Ms. Lorraine Ng, Head of Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee.

The final presentation will be by Mr. Neil Stremmel, Chair of World Bowling Technical Committee and Director of Kegel Bowling Technologies and Sports Research, Kegel LLC., USA. Prof. Frank HK Fu, MH. JP., Chairman of Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee and Emeritus Professor of Hong Kong Baptis University and Mr. Gus Falgien, Vice-President of Sales, Kegel LLC., USA will be the moderators.

In the afternoon session, there will be five one-hour concurrent workshops and HKSI Facility Tour. The workshops will include presentations from Ms. Wing Leung, Senior Sport Physiotherapist, HKSI; Ms. Michelle Ng, Sport Biomechanics Officer, HKSI, Mr. Ning Su, Sport Psychology Officer, HKSI; Mr. Charles Chan, Sports Nutrition Officer, HKSI and Ms. Jassy Cheung, Deputy Manager, Hong Kong Anti-Doping Committee.

Dr. Simon SM Yeung, JP., Senior Vice-Chairmen Hong Kong Amateur Ahtletic Association, Mr. Neil Stremmel, Chair of WB Technical Committee and Prof. Mee Lee Leung, MH., Emeritus Prefessor of Department of Physical Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. The conference will conclude with a tour of the HKSI Facility.

Photos by Terence Yaw in Hong Kong, China.

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