26th Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships
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National Anthem and Regional Flags

Guidelines on Handling the Playing of the National Anthem and Raising of the Regional Flag for Hong Kong Athletes and Team Engaging in International Sports Events.

In anticipation that the National Anthem will be played and/or the Regional Flag will be raised, the team leader MUST check on site with the event organiser on the National Anthem and Regional Flag once again to ensure that the correct version will be used and the correct name of our National Anthem will be displayed in all captions. Should the National Anthem be played and Regional Flag be raised on multiple occasions at the sports events, the team leader MUST inspect all relevant materials and information before each occasion to ensure that they are in order.

To avoid the IFs, AFs and event organisers from downloading our National Anthem and copying our Regional Flag from various unconfirmed sources in the internet, your Association is required to include the official links of the National Anthem and its recording as well as the Regional Flag and its usage in your official website so as to facilitate them to locate the correct one.

Also, in order to allow better preparation of the required toolkits, your Association is kindly reminded to return the completed "Intention to participate in International Sports Events in 2023" Form (Annex) to the Secretariat on or before 15 December 2022.

For National Anthem and its recording, please visit https://www.cmab.gov.hk/en/issues/national_anthem.htm. For details of the specifications for the National Anthem, please refer to the National Anthem Ordinance https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/A405!en.

For Regional Flag and its usage, please visit https://www.protocol.gov.hk/en/flags.html. For details of the specifications for the Regional Flag, please refer to the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance at https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/A602!en.

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